Building a DIY Trezor: A Guide to Creating Your Own Crypto Wallet

Learn how to build your own DIY Trezor crypto wallet from scratch and the challenges it entails. Discover the open-source nature of hardware wallets and the importance of knowledge in electronics.

Posted 10 months ago in Wallets

A DIY Trezor wallet device with electronic components on a table

Building a DIY Trezor: A Guide to Creating Your Own Crypto Wallet

An electronics design manager who made his own Trezor One has assessed the difficulty of building a DIY crypto wallet from scratch.

The open-source nature of many hardware cryptocurrency wallets allows anyone to build a do-it-yourself (DIY) wallet like a Trezor from scratch, but it requires certain skills. Florin Cocos, an electronics design manager from Romania, built his own DIY Trezor with the wallet’s open-source code in 2018 without having access to a “real” Trezor device. On his YouTube channel, Voltlog, Cocos demonstrated the process of creating the DIY Trezor Model One, using electronics components purchased from distributors like Farnell.

The engineer specifically used a Farnell microcontroller and a printed circuit board (PCB) ordered from a production house in China, extracted from a Gerber file available on Trezor’s GitHub.

“The parts can be purchased from any reputable distributor like Farnell, DigiKey, RS, Newark, TME. It... (truncated)

Last updated 9/21/2023, 6:10:20 AM


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