Ripple CTO David Schwartz and CEO Brad Garlinghouse: A Glimpse into Fintech Leadership

Get a rare glimpse into the informal moments shared by Ripple CTO David Schwartz and CEO Brad Garlinghouse. Discover their vision and commitment to the cryptocurrency industry, highlighted at the 'Proper Party' event in New York.

Posted 9 months ago in Blockchain

A photo of Ripple CTO David Schwartz and CEO Brad Garlinghouse at the 'Proper Party' event in New York, showcasing their camaraderie and informal style.

Ripple CTO David Schwartz recently shared a photo with CEO Brad Garlinghouse, offering a rare glimpse into the informal moments shared by these fintech leaders. The snapshot shows Schwartz casually clad in a black blazer over a black T-shirt with 'XRP LEDGER' printed on it. Meanwhile, Garlinghouse opts for a classic combo of a dark blue jacket over a white T-shirt.

The photo, which was taken at the 'Proper Party' event in New York, organized by the XRP community, evoked a flurry of reactions on social media. Followers likened the pair to movie stars and commended their dynamic partnership, while others requested information on decentralized finance (DeFi) links related to their attire. One user even drew a comparison between Schwartz and Garlinghouse and the legendary duo of Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger.

This informal moment captured the camaraderie that exists between Ripple's CTO and CEO, shedding light on their shared vision and commitment to the cryptocurrency industry. The event also served as a celebration of Ripple's recent legal victory against the SEC, highlighting the significance of court decisions in shaping cryptocurrency regulations.

As an additional display of loyalty, Garlinghouse unveiled his new XRP tattoo during the event, symbolizing his deep dedication to Ripple's mission and values.

Last updated 10/1/2023, 9:03:24 AM


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