XRP Price Crash Reveals Analyst's Eye-Opening Discovery

Stay updated with the latest crypto news! This article discusses the XRP price crash and an analyst's eye-opening discovery. It also covers upcoming developments for Shiba Inu and the mainnet upgrade of IOTA.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Image: XRP price chart showing a significant drop after the court verdict

Afraid of missing out on the crypto world's latest events? Read U.Today's news digest to stay informed!

Check out U.Today's top three news stories over the past day.

  1. XRP price crash unveils top analyst's eye-opening discovery

  2. Shiba Inu: Five exciting developments coming for SHIB, here's when

  3. IOTA excites community with mainnet upgrade, what changed?

XRP Price Crash Unveils Top Analyst's Eye-Opening Discovery

Crypto analyst Benjamin Cowen has recently taken to X platform to share his observations regarding XRP's price behavior. Cowen shared XRP's price chart, saying that the token has now retraced all the gains that came after the court verdict in the Ripple v. SEC case on July 13. As a reminder, the asset saw a 101% spike in its value back then. However, since the pivotal decision, XRP has plunged to its pre-litigation price level, trading at $0.48 at the moment of writing. This turn of events made Cowen conclude that narratives and public sentiment are secondary to the fundamental factors of liquidity, emphasizing the crucial role that liquidity plays in cryptocurrency valuations.

Shiba Inu: Five Exciting Developments Coming for SHIB, Here's When

Yesterday, Lucie, a prominent member of the SHIB team, posted a list of five upcoming developments that await the Shiba Inu project. The list includes renouncing the Bone contract, Shibaswap 2.0, the TREAT reward token, Shiba Hub and Metaverse. In anticipation of the SHIB community's most frequent question 'wen?' Lucie replied by stating, 'When it's ready.' She then went on to explain that the aforementioned developments are steps in the Shiba Inu's development journey, using Shibarium as an example. Lucie confirmed that the debut of these innovations will not happen overnight, and that if SHIB enthusiasts do not 'come together and spread positive vibes,' the progress will be slow.

IOTA Excites Community with Mainnet Upgrade, What Changed?

In a recent announcement by IOTA's official X handle, the project's team revealed that it will upgrade IOTA's mainnet. The upcoming upgrade is called Stardust and is designed to bring a number of foundational changes to IOTA, including the replacement of the Coordinator with the Validator Committee. The team added that it has already tested the Validator Committee on ShimmerNet to ensure its proper deployment and functionality. As stated in the announcement, the Validator Committee will be deployed on the mainnet as an interim improvement until Coordicide.

Last updated 9/14/2023, 2:16:12 AM


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