Tencent Unveils Hunyuan AI with 2 Trillion Parameters, South Korean Authorities Bust $83M Crypto Scam

Tencent introduces the world's largest AI language model, while South Korean authorities crack down on an $83M crypto scam. Read more about these significant developments.

Posted 10 months ago in Technology

An image depicting Tencent's Hunyuan AI in action, showcasing its incredible processing capabilities.

Tencent, the Chinese IT conglomerate, announced the launch of its Hunyuan Large Language Model (LLM), which boasts over 2 trillion parameters. This makes it the largest LLM model ever built, dwarfing previous models with upwards of 175 billion parameters. The unveiling took place at Tencent's Global Digital Ecology Conference on September 7. Hunyuan AI is now available through Tencent Cloud, allowing users to integrate it into various applications, from customer service to mechatronics.

The capabilities of Hunyuan are impressive, with Tencent claiming it can process tens of trillions of data per day. It has been optimized to reduce risk analysis procedures in the automobile manufacturing industry, cutting down the time from four hours to less than 30 minutes. Tencent has invested a significant amount into cloud and AI research and development, demonstrating its commitment to advancing technology.

In a separate development, South Korean authorities have uncovered an $83 million crypto scam. On September 5, 22 individuals were arrested on charges of deception and fraud. The group behind the Ponzi scheme allegedly promised high investment returns in the crypto markets, attracting a significant number of individuals to invest a large sum of money. Investigations revealed that the business entities created by the group were falsified, including claims of token listings and entry into digital asset exchanges. Assets connected to the group have since been seized as part of the ongoing criminal proceedings.

Last updated 9/9/2023, 3:53:09 AM


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