Street Cy₿er: Spreading Bitcoin Awareness Through Street Art

Learn how the Street Cy₿er artist collective is using street art to spread awareness about Bitcoin and challenge the traditional financial system. Discover their motivations, artwork, and vision for a fairer world.

Posted 10 months ago in Bitcoin

A graffiti mural depicting the failures of the traditional financial system.

Nine months after launching, the Street Cy₿er artist collective has over 100 street artists, musicians, and Bitcoin enthusiasts involved.

From skate parks and construction sites to train stations and bus stops, a pair of Bitcoin-loving graffiti artists from Barcelona, Spain have been working tirelessly to spread the good word about Bitcoin. Street Cy₿er, a collective of artists and enthusiasts, has been creating Bitcoin (BTC) street art all over Europe since its formation in January 2023 to raise awareness about the cryptocurrency.

One of Street Cy₿er’s co-founders, “Street,” told Cointelegraph that the crew is made up of over 100 educators, enthusiasts, artists, musicians, activists, and journalists. Their efforts can be seen across Barcelona, London, Berlin, Madrid, Prague, Riga (Latvia) and Tallin (Estonia). Much of their artwork, which they share on social media, aims to deliver powerful statements about the traditional financial system’s purported failures and where Bitcoin can step in. Other pieces of art simply look to raise awareness about cryptocurrency.

Street told Cointelegraph: He said Street Cy₿er’s motivation behind the Bitcoin street art is plain and simple: to push for a fairer world. The Street Cy₿er website’s gallery currently shows more than 70 images of their artwork, all of which feature the Bitcoin logo or mention its name. Speaking to specific pieces of their work, Street said the premise behind “Buy Bitcoin Defund The State” was to get people thinking about how Bitcoin can help create a freer society by reducing the role of the state in people’s lives.

Street said Bitcoin is being used to build a “new society” that flourishes off of individual freedom and voluntary cooperation — a philosophy pushed by many cryptocurrency-anarchists around the world. Street says Bitcoin’s scarcity will make it difficult for governments to wage wars because they cannot print more BTC to finance them. “This will make it more difficult for governments to maintain large militaries and will make war less affordable,” he said.

If wars were hypothetically funded with Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency’s transparency would make it tough for state actors to hide war spending, believes Street, and such attacks would be more likely to be picked up by opposing states. Additionally, Street said the “Bitcoin Makes War Unaffordable” message ties back to promoting peace and freedom around the world.

Street believes that if states used Bitcoin to fund education as opposed to printing money, free education worldwide could become a possibility. Due to Bitcoin’s scarcity, governments would think twice about where they allocate it, said Street:

Not all of Street Cy₿er’s Bitcoin street art is politically motivated — the crew is also appealing to cartoon lovers by showcasing Bitcoin’s symbol with the likes of Mario and Ronald McDonald. The Street Cy₿er team recently created a “Bitcoin: The Art of Revolution” project based in Barcelona, Spain, which will host several exhibitions, workshops, and classes for those wanting to learn more about Bitcoin.

Last updated 9/24/2023, 11:17:54 PM


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