Stellar Teases Major Innovation: Bringing Stellar to the Real World

Get ready for a major innovation from Stellar as they bring their blockchain network to the real world. Stay tuned for exciting updates and announcements in the next five days.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

A visual representation of the Stellar blockchain network connecting people and facilitating cross-border payments.

Stellar, a decentralized blockchain network, has announced that a major innovation is on its way. The tweet from Stellar suggests that this upcoming change could be a significant partnership or innovation. The tweet mentions that the change falls under the category of 'brand' and hints at bringing Stellar to the real world within the next five days.

Stellar first hinted at the upcoming innovation on September 2, where it stated that 'something cool' was coming and urged its community to prepare for the exciting change. The countdown for the reveal started with 10 days, and now it is down to four days.

Speculation is rife among the community regarding what this major reveal could entail. Considering Stellar's recent investment in MoneyGram International and its seat on MoneyGram's board of directors, the innovation could potentially involve expanding MoneyGram's digital business and exploring blockchain technology.

Despite the anticipation around the upcoming reveal, the native cryptocurrency of the Stellar blockchain, XLM, has remained relatively stable. In the last 24 hours, XLM saw a marginal increase of 0.68% and currently sits at $0.123.

Last updated 9/9/2023, 3:03:26 AM


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