SEC Expresses Concerns Over Coinbase's Role in Reimbursing Former Celsius Clients

The SEC raises concerns over Coinbase's proposed role in reimbursing former Celsius clients, citing potential conflicts of interest. Reimbursement plan under review.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

SEC expresses concerns over Coinbase's involvement in reimbursing former Celsius clients

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has raised concerns about the proposed involvement of crypto exchange Coinbase in reimbursing former clients of Celsius, a crypto lending platform.

According to the SEC, Coinbase's role in the reimbursement process does not meet the regulatory standards set by the commission. The commission believes that Coinbase's participation could create conflicts of interest and potentially compromise the integrity of the reimbursement process.

The SEC's objection stems from Coinbase's close ties to Celsius, as the exchange had previously collaborated with the lending platform to offer various crypto-related services. The commission argues that this relationship raises questions about the impartiality and fairness of Coinbase's involvement in the reimbursement.

As a result of the SEC's concerns, the reimbursement plan proposed by Celsius, which included the use of Coinbase's platform, is now under review. The commission has requested further clarification from both Celsius and Coinbase regarding their respective roles and responsibilities in the process.

Celsius clients who were affected by the recent security breach are eagerly awaiting a resolution in order to regain access to their funds. The involvement of Coinbase in the reimbursement process was seen as a positive step towards recovering their losses. However, with the SEC's objections, the timeline for reimbursement remains uncertain.

Despite the setback, both Celsius and Coinbase have expressed their commitment to cooperating with the SEC and ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements. Both entities are working closely with legal teams to address the commission's concerns and find a solution that satisfies all parties involved.

As the investigation continues, industry experts are closely monitoring the outcome, as it could have broader implications for the relationship between crypto exchanges and lending platforms. The SEC's scrutiny highlights the need for clear guidelines and transparency in the reimbursement process to protect the interests of affected clients.

Last updated 9/25/2023, 10:55:34 PM


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