Ripple Labs President Monica Long Vows to Fight SEC in Ongoing Legal Battle

Read about Ripple Labs President Monica Long's commitment to fight the ongoing legal battle against the SEC and its impact on the crypto industry.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Ripple Labs President Monica Long stands confidently, ready to fight the SEC in the ongoing legal battle.

Ripple Labs Inc. President Monica Long has reaffirmed the company's determination to continue fighting the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). In an interview with CNBC, Long stated that Ripple has no plans to back down from the legal battle and is prepared to fight the case until the end.

Following a recent ruling that declared XRP, the crypto asset at the center of the dispute, is not a security, Ripple has gained confidence and hopes for a favorable outcome. The company has shown resilience throughout the lengthy lawsuit and remains committed to supporting the broader crypto ecosystem against the SEC's crackdown on industry companies.

Long emphasized that the clarity provided by the XRP ruling is beneficial for Ripple's business expansion in the U.S. and global markets.

Notably, Ripple is not alone in its fight against the SEC. Other major players in the industry, including Binance, are also engaged in legal battles against the regulator. The firms refuse to settle and are united in their efforts to challenge the SEC's actions. Even LBRY, which previously suffered a loss in its securities case, is now seeking to appeal the ruling, inspired by Ripple's recent victory.

Last updated 9/13/2023, 2:48:53 AM


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