Minecraft Server Forced to End Bitcoin Rewards Program Due to Mojang's Restrictions

Satlantis, a Minecraft server that paid users Bitcoin, is forced to end its rewards program due to Mojang's restrictions. An inside look at the server's play-to-earn functionality and the impact it had on players.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Minecraft server shutting down Bitcoin rewards program

Satlantis, a Minecraft server that pays users Bitcoin, announced that it will kill the feature. Mojang’s rules now prohibit it.

Satlantis, a Minecraft server that pays users Bitcoin, announced that it will kill the feature. Mojang’s rules now prohibit it. Your Web3 Gaming Power-Up Decrypt’s Art, Fashion, and Entertainment Hub. "This is not at all something I wanted to do. I didn't have a choice," he wrote. "Mojang threatened to block our server IP and cease-and-desist our server host if we didn't comply." Dineno told via Twitter DM that Mojang's reported demand to Satlantis to kill its play-to-earn functionality was "essentially telling Minecraft players to 'Have fun staying poor.'" He said that Satlantis had attracted over 2,300 players and that they "loved it," and that the server had thus far given out a full Bitcoin (current price: $26,450 as of this writing) in rewards. Dineno added that one player reached out after the news to express his dismay, saying that the earnings had helped him. "Messages like that have me more invigorated than ever to keep building," Dineno explained. "We’ve been working nonstop since the news and already have a prototype successor up and running. So we should have some news on that sooner than people were probably expecting." Stay on top of crypto news, get daily updates in your inbox.

Last updated 9/24/2023, 11:09:35 PM


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