Gods Unchained Introduces Sealed Mode Tournament for Skilled Players

Discover Gods Unchained's new Sealed Mode tournament, allowing players to compete using semi-random cards. Find out how this gameplay format rewards skilled participants and offers unique cosmetic rewards for successful players.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

A player holding their deck of Gods Unchained cards during a tournament

Web3 game Gods Unchained has launched a new gameplay format called Sealed Mode, allowing players to compete with semi-random cards in tournaments. The format aims to reward highly skilled players, regardless of their card collection's size or value. Sealed deck tournaments are common in physical trading card games like Magic: The Gathering but are rare in the digital space. To participate, players pay an entry fee of 15 Gods Unchained ($GODS) tokens, receiving a random selection of three gods and 60 random cards drawn from different card sets. The pool of cards is semi-random but ensures there are enough of each type to build a viable deck. Participants must construct a minimum 30-card deck exclusively from the provided cards and compete until they win seven matches or lose three. Cosmetic rewards are available for players with four or more wins.

Gods Unchained's Sealed Mode replicates the concept of sealed deck tournaments in physical games, offering players the chance to collect cards. Unlike most digital card games where players don't have true ownership of their cards, Gods Unchained uses nonfungible tokens stored on the Immutable X network to represent each card. Immutable, the creator of Gods Unchained, has also been working on a wallet application called Passport to simplify player login and recently released the zkEVM testnet to scale Ethereum for video game players.

Last updated 9/13/2023, 11:41:53 PM


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