Gemini Allocates $24 Million for Expansion in India

Read about Gemini's plans to expand its development center in Gurgaon, India with a $24 million investment. Explore the growth of blockchain technology and the Indian government's support framework for startups.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

A photo of the Gemini Gurgaon Development Center team working on expanding the exchange's features in NFTs and asset marketplaces.

Gemini Gurgaon Hub, launched in May, is expanding its development center in Gurgaon, India. With over 70 staff members, the center is actively hiring for various positions and is involved in developing new features for nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and asset marketplaces. Gemini attributes its decision to expand in India to the government's support framework for startups and the significant adoption of blockchain technology in the country. India is recognized as a global hub for entrepreneurship and technology with a thriving Web3 developer base of 10 million individuals. In the past year, 450 Web3 startups in India have secured $1.5 billion in investments.

Last updated 9/26/2023, 12:39:04 PM


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