FTX Founder's Defense Team Objects to Proposed Jury Questions by the Department of Justice

FTX Founder's Defense Team objects to the proposed jury questions by the U.S. Department of Justice in a late Friday filing. Concerns about juror bias and prejudiced assumptions raised.

Posted 9 months ago in Blockchain

A courtroom scene with a judge, jury, and attorneys.

Sam Bankman-Fried's attorneys have raised objections to some of the U.S. Department of Justice's proposed voir dire questions in a late Friday filing, expressing concerns about potential juror bias and prejudiced assumptions. The defense team argues that the government's proposed questions may discourage full disclosure, fail to ascertain potential juror bias, and present the allegations in a prejudicial manner.

Attorney Mark Cohen, representing the FTX founder, specifically highlighted the omission of the word 'allegedly' when describing the crimes Bankman-Fried is accused of, stating that it improperly suggests guilt. Cohen also criticized certain questions for their limited scope, potentially preventing the revelation of predisposition among potential jurors.

Furthermore, the defense team objected to a question that could elicit irrelevant information about encounters with law enforcement, as it risks improperly excluding potential jurors based on race. Both the Department of Justice and the defense team proposed voir dire questions to the judge on September 11.

Despite objections, jury selection is scheduled to commence on October 3. CoinDesk conducted an informal survey earlier this month in lower Manhattan to gauge public familiarity with FTX and Bankman-Fried. The court expects the selection process to conclude within a single day.

In a separate filing, the defense team expressed no objections to the judge granting immunity to two unnamed witnesses, clarifying that they may invoke their Fifth Amendment right during the hearing.

Last updated 10/1/2023, 12:54:09 PM


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