Former Chief Revenue Officer of Celsius Network Pleads Guilty to Criminal Charges

Former chief revenue officer Roni Cohen-Pavon has pleaded guilty to four criminal charges relating to market manipulation and wire fraud. He could potentially face a maximum prison term of 65 years. Stay informed with the latest news in the crypto industry.

Posted 10 months ago in Security

Former Chief Revenue Officer of Celsius Network Pleads Guilty to Criminal Charges

Former chief revenue officer Roni Cohen-Pavon has pleaded guilty to four criminal charges related to market manipulation and wire fraud. Cohen-Pavon, who previously worked at the crypto lending platform Celsius Network, reached an agreement with the U.S. Attorney's office. If convicted, he could face a maximum prison term of 65 years and will be required to make restitution. His sentencing date is set for December 11, 2024. Cohen-Pavon's cooperation in the case against Alex Mashinsky, the founder of Celsius Network, may be taken into account during his sentencing.

Cohen-Pavon served as the chief revenue officer at Celsius and received significant payments from the firm. He was involved in a case against Mashinsky on charges of market manipulation, securities fraud, and wire fraud. In an effort to dismiss the Federal Trade Commission's case against him, Mashinsky's lawyers argued that the allegations did not demonstrate his knowledge of making false statements for fraudulent purposes.

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Last updated 9/15/2023, 8:18:13 PM


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