Exciting Week Ahead: Polygon to Participate in Asia Crypto Week and Upgrade zkEVM

Polygon is set to participate in Asia Crypto Week and upgrade its zkEVM scalability solution, bringing exciting news and exclusive collectibles. Find out more about their involvement and the upcoming Dragon Fruit upgrade.

Posted 10 months ago in Ethereum

Polygon participating in Asia Crypto Week

This week promises to be an eventful one for the Ethereum Layer 2 scalability solution, Polygon, given the line-up of events, including a major zkEVM upgrade.

Polygon will be heading to Singapore to participate in Asia Crypto Week from Sept. 13 to 14. At the key event, Polygon says it will be dropping announcements and exclusive collectibles. Polygon will also be discussing Polygon 2.0, zkEVM, and the recently launched Polygon chain development kit (CDK). Polygon Labs will be dropping announcements, exclusive collectibles, fresh new swag, and most importantly, great vibes.

This is only a sneak peak of where to find us. Find the FULL AGENDA here. Drop a comment below, if you’ll be in Singapore.

Polygon will also be participating in Asia's pivotal stablecoin summit, which is focused on real-world use in emerging markets.

Polygon zkEVM mainnet beta is set to receive its first major upgrade, Dragon Fruit, or ForkID5. Dragon Fruit requires an upgrade of the Polygon.zkEVM.sol consensus contract. The upgrade process has been initiated and executed and is expected to conclude on Sept. 10.

The Dragon Fruit upgrade includes the latest EVM opcode, PUSH0, bringing Polygon zkEVM up to date with Solidity v0.8.21 and is expected to hit mainnet the week of Sept. 11.

Last updated 9/10/2023, 2:53:56 PM


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