Dogecoin Users Urged to Update iOS Software Immediately due to Security Vulnerability

Dogecoin users on Apple iOS devices are being urged to update their software immediately due to a significant security vulnerability that allows attackers to compromise iOS devices. Find out more in this article.

Posted 10 months ago in Security

A person using an iPhone and updating their software

Dogecoin users operating on Apple iOS devices are being strongly advised to update their software to latest version

Dogecoin users on Apple iOS devices are being urged to update their software immediately by prominent members of the community. The warning comes after Citizen Lab, a cybersecurity research organization, discovered a significant security vulnerability that allows attackers to compromise iOS devices without any user interaction.

The exploit, dubbed BLASTPASS, involves malicious PassKit attachments sent via iMessage and can affect iPhones running the latest iOS version 16.6. Apple has since issued an update to address the issue.

BLASTPASS Exploit Chain

The BLASTPASS exploit chain was discovered while Citizen Lab was investigating the device of an individual associated with a Washington, D.C.-based civil society organization. The exploit allows attackers to deliver NSO Group's Pegasus spyware to the victim's device without even requiring any clicks or interaction on the part of the user.

Security Measures

Given the severity of the vulnerability, Apple and Citizen Lab are encouraging users to enable lockdown mode, a security feature that is believed to block this particular attack effectively. Dogecoin users, as well as the broader iOS community, are advised to update their software to the latest version to protect their digital assets from potential attacks.

Importance of Lockdown Mode

Patrick Lodder, a member of the crypto community, emphasized the importance of lockdown mode on social media, stating, 'Lockdown mode...the only mode.'

Last updated 9/9/2023, 2:51:10 AM


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