Decentralized Infura: A Game-Changer for Ethereum DApps

Learn about the upcoming launch of a decentralized version of Infura, the leading access point for Ethereum blockchain data. This move aims to eliminate the single point of failure and enhance reliability for DApps.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Illustration showcasing the decentralized nature of the Infura network with multiple data providers connected to Ethereum DApps.

A decentralized version of Infura, the popular access point for Ethereum blockchain data, is set to launch later this year. This move aims to address the single point of failure issue that arises when a centralized service like Infura goes down. ConsenSys, the company behind Infura, plans to establish a decentralized marketplace with multiple data providers who can offer similar services. With this decentralized infrastructure, DApps won't have to rely on a single data provider, making access to Ethereum more reliable and censorship-resistant.

Currently, Infura dominates as the main access point for DApps to tap into real-time on-chain data from the Ethereum blockchain. However, the MetaMask wallet and various decentralized finance (DeFi) projects suffered disruptions when Infura experienced downtime in November 2020. This incident highlighted the vulnerability of relying on a centralized service. Additionally, Infura faced criticism for complying with U.S. sanctions against Tornado Cash.

The decentralized Infura will go through a federated phase, expected to last around six months, before transitioning into a permissionless marketplace of data providers. This trial period will help iron out any bugs and ensure the system works smoothly. Whether ConsenSys or a new entity will govern the federated stage is yet to be determined. In the long run, the goal is to build a robust infrastructure that cannot be easily regulated.

Many crypto native companies and major Web2 cloud providers, including Google Cloud and AWS, have expressed interest in joining the decentralized Infura network. This initiative is seen as a lucrative business opportunity for both Web2 and Web3 providers. The industry envisions a future where Ethereum and decentralized applications flourish with increased reliability and resilience, thanks to a decentralized infrastructure.

Last updated 9/9/2023, 3:47:20 AM


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