Cardano's Project Catalyst Fund10 Announces Winners

Announcement of the winners for Cardano's Project Catalyst Fund10, highlighting the innovative projects and their impact on the blockchain ecosystem.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Winners of Cardano's Project Catalyst Fund10

Input Output, Cardano's technology company, has announced the winners of its Project Catalyst Fund10 in a Thursday post on X. The voting round witnessed a total distribution of 50 million ADA between 192 funded proposals, marking a 12.48% increase in votes cast from Fund9.

A diverse set of funded projects were focused on advancements in development, infrastructure, and decentralized applications. These include proposals aimed at the integration of frontend game engines, the enhancement of on-chain game hosting in the Cardano ecosystem, and the implementation of zero-knowledge (ZK) cryptography to facilitate privacy and scalability within apps and games built on Cardano.

Notable projects, such as MLabs's Congested Testnet and Sundae Labs Hydra Transaction Stream Plugin, also received substantial backing.

Fostering innovation

Project Catalyst is an initiative by Cardano, aimed at fostering innovation and development within its ecosystem through a decentralized funding mechanism. This initiative facilitates the community-driven selection and funding of projects every three months, focusing not just on financial support but also on essential aspects like education and mentorship, to ensure the practical implementation and success of the ideas, contributing to the overall sustainability and advancement of the Cardano blockchain.

Last updated 9/21/2023, 10:22:00 PM


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