Cardano, Chainlink, and Polkadot Lead in GitHub Commits: Santiment Data

Learn how Cardano, Chainlink, and Polkadot are leading in GitHub commits, indicating their ongoing development and potential market performance. Explore recent developments and partnerships in the cryptocurrency industry.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Three leading cryptocurrencies with high GitHub activity in the last 30 days

Recent data from crypto analytics firm Santiment reveals intriguing insights into the development activities of top cryptocurrencies. The report highlights the top 10 crypto assets by notable Github commits over the past 30 days. Cardano, Chainlink, and Polkadot are among the front-runners, signaling robust ongoing development in their ecosystems.

According to Santiment, Polkadot and Kusama take the top spots, followed by Cardano and Chainlink. These projects demonstrate that active development is often correlated with market performance. Specifically, seven out of the top 10 in development activity are also among the top 32 projects by market cap.

This suggests that investors and industry watchers consider consistent work and innovation in a project as indicators of its long-term potential.

Recent Developments

Diving deeper into Cardano's bustling development scene reveals a busy past month. The networking team has been working on bootstrapping peers and refactoring networking test suites. The consensus team hit a milestone with system-level benchmarks for the UTXO-HD implementation but noted a performance regression that requires attention. Cardano is also focused on Genesis development and the release of node v.8.3.0.

In the meantime, Swift and Chainlink are partnering with major financial institutions to explore the integration of tokenized asset transfer across blockchains.

Last updated 9/14/2023, 1:49:17 AM


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