Cardano (ADA) Scaling Strategy Criticized by Top Analyst: Focus on Layer-1 Scaling

Read about Justin Bons' criticism of Cardano (ADA)'s scaling strategy and his alternative solution. Explore the focus on Layer-1 scaling instead of L2s, such as Hydra and sidechain mechanisms.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Image: Justin Bons, founder and CIO of Cyber Capital, shares his opinion on core focuses for Cardano (ADA) scaling. Source: Twitter

A prominent analyst and investor is not optimistic about L2s as a way to scale programmable blockchains. That is why he proposes an alternative solution for Cardano (ADA), the second largest proof-of-stake (PoS) platform, to advance its throughput.

The Cardano (ADA) and Avalanche (AVAX) blockchains should be focused on scaling their Layers-1 more instead of relying on second-layer scaling mechanisms such as Hydra and other sidechain instruments. Such a recommendation was shared by Justin Bons on his personal X today, Sept. 18, 2023.

Bons commented on Cardano's Input Endorsers, a mechanism designed to create a new protocol necessary for 'endorsing' transactions before adding them to new blocks 'officially.' This technique reminds one of Avalanche's (AVAX) 'pre-consensus' approach to scaling, the analyst recalls. However, both Cardano and Avalanche's implementations of 'preliminary' adding transactions to blocks has limited throughput.

Reaching bandwidth above 1,000-2,000 transactions per second (TPS) would be difficult with these methods. This is why Cardano (ADA) should not be concentrated on Hydra and other sidechains as a way to solve scalability issues. As covered by U.Today previously, Cardano's L2 solution Hydra kicked off in mainnet in May 2023. A month ago, an inaugural major update was delivered.

Also, in September 2023, Cardano (ADA) developers and enthusiasts started exploring zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) as an instrument to advance the network's performance and security. The dedicated ZK-Labs team started working on a new scalability initiative that might replace Hydra in the near future, as covered by U.Today previously. In December 2022, Justin Bons said that he could be wrong about Cardano's 'lagging behind.'

Last updated 9/18/2023, 10:30:25 PM


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