Can Currencies Bounce Back to Midterm Rise? Analysis and Predictions

Read our analysis and predictions on the current rates of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and XRP. Will these currencies bounce back to their midterm rise? Stay informed!

Posted 10 months ago in Market Analysis

Bull and bear symbols representing market dominance.

Bulls have started the week with dominance over bears, as the rates of most of the coins are falling.

Bitcoin (BTC) has risen by 2.73% over the last 24 hours and broken the $27,000 mark. This presents a chance for buyers to seize the initiative and continue the upward move to the resistance of $28,142.

Ethereum (ETH) is also showing gains, going up by 1.67%. Traders should focus on the interim level of $1,675, as a close near it may signal a test of the next resistance level of $1,714.

XRP has increased by 1% and is trading similarly to Ethereum. If the rate continues on its current path, a breakout of the $0.5115 mark could lead to a further rise to the $0.52-$0.53 area.

Last updated 9/18/2023, 10:25:22 PM


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