Can AI Beat Humans in Crypto Trading? A Two-Week Experiment Reveals the Results

Discover the results of a two-week crypto investment competition between a journalist and an AI program. Explore whether artificial intelligence outperforms human traders in the crypto market. Watch the video on Cointelegraph's YouTube channel for the winning strategy!

Posted 10 months ago in Technology

A hand holding a cryptocurrency coin with AI overlaid on it

Cointelegraph journalist Giovanni Pigni recently engaged in a fascinating experiment: challenging an AI program in a two-week crypto investment competition. Both Giovanni and ChatGPT, the AI contender, were given $100 each to build a strong crypto portfolio and maximize profits. The objective was to determine whether AI can outperform human traders and identify the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

To construct the AI's portfolio, Giovanni trained it on a summary of significant crypto events from the past two years. Taking into account the bearish market conditions, ChatGPT devised a low-risk portfolio. In contrast, Giovanni sought the guidance of Cointelegraph market analyst Marcel Pechman. Pechman recommended investing in high-beta decentralized finance tokens that had been affected by the Curve Finance hack in July, adopting a more aggressive but riskier strategy. These tokens were anticipated to rebound and surpass large-cap cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

If you're curious to know the outcome of this thrilling challenge, head over to the Cointelegraph YouTube channel and watch the complete video. Discover whether AI or human skill prevailed in the crypto trading competition and make sure to subscribe for more engaging content!

Last updated 9/9/2023, 2:28:09 AM


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