Binance CEO CZ Commends Elon Musk's 'Hardcore' Approach in New Biography

Discover Binance CEO CZ's insights on the newly authorized biography of Elon Musk by Walter Isaacson. Learn about Musk's 'hardcore' approach, his unwavering commitment to his vision, and his algorithmic thinking.

Posted 10 months ago in Technology

An image of a book cover with the title 'Elon Musk: A Revolutionary Journey' written by Walter Isaacson

In a recent revelation, Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao, known as CZ in the crypto space, shared his thoughts on the newly authorized biography of tech mogul Elon Musk. Penned by acclaimed author Walter Isaacson, the biography has garnered significant attention for its insider look into the life of the SpaceX and Tesla CEO.

CZ, a major figure in the crypto industry, took to Twitter to express his appreciation for the book, stating that the 'new Elon Musk book by Walter Isaacson is pretty good.' However, his insights went beyond mere praise.

The Binance CEO was intrigued to discover that Musk operates by a 'hardcore' value, a revelation that shed light on Musk's unwavering commitment to his vision. CZ noted that he shares a similar ethos, albeit on a different scale, as Musk's 'hardcore' approach appears to be more intense.

Musk's ability to navigate the challenging terrain of revolutionizing industries while maintaining a relentless focus on precision left a profound impression on CZ. He highlighted Musk's readiness to tolerate failures in the realm of rocketry, but his zero-tolerance policy for those who fail to grasp the numbers is a trait that Zhao attributed to Musk's candid acknowledgment of having Asperger's syndrome.

Binance's boss also applauded Musk's algorithmic thinking, particularly his practice of 'questioning every requirement.' He expressed his frustration with individuals who blindly follow requirements without questioning their validity. When asked about the possibility of writing his autobiography, CZ deferred the idea, suggesting that it was a concern for the future.

Last updated 9/23/2023, 9:15:28 AM


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