Binance Announces Changes to USD-M Perpetuals Funding Terms

Binance announces changes to funding terms for USD-M perpetual contracts, increasing rate settlement frequency and introducing a new funding rate cap. Find out how these changes impact traders.

Posted 10 months ago in Exchanges

A graphic representation of cryptocurrency funding rates and their impact on traders' safety and predictability.

Binance, one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced significant changes to its Futures platform, specifically affecting USD-M Perpetual Contracts. These changes aim to enhance the user experience and adapt to market conditions. Let's break it down.

Starting Oct. 12, 2023, at 8:00 a.m. (UTC), Binance will increase the frequency of funding rate settlements for selected USD-M Perpetual Contracts. Previously, these settlements occurred every eight hours; now, they will happen every four hours. This change affects a variety of contracts, including but not limited to USD-M IMX, LPT, API3 and HIFI Perpetual Contracts.

Funding rates are a mechanism to align the price of a perpetual contract with the actual market price of the underlying asset. In simpler terms, it is a way to make sure the contract's price doesn't stray too far from the real-world value of the cryptocurrency it represents. If the rate is positive, those holding long positions pay those with short positions, and vice versa.

Effective from Oct. 9, 2023, at 8:30 a.m. (UTC), capped funding rates for these contracts will also change. The new cap will be ± 3%, applicable to contracts with a maximum leverage of 25x or below. If a contract's maximum leverage is reduced to 25x or lower, this new rate will automatically apply, without a separate announcement.

Funding rates can vary based on market volatility. The new cap aims to provide some level of predictability and safety for traders. Binance insists that it will continue to review and adjust funding rates as needed, notifying users at least two weeks in advance of any major changes.

Last updated 9/28/2023, 4:48:01 PM


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