Arbitrum's Fraud-Proof Feature Shows Remarkable Success, No Submissions Since Mainnet Launch

Learn about Arbitrum's remarkable success with its fraud-proof feature since launching its mainnet. No fraud proof attempts or successful challenges have been made, providing increased security for users and discouraging malicious validators.

Posted 10 months ago in Technology

Image depicting the success of Arbitrum's fraud-proof feature since its mainnet launch.

Not a single fraud proof has been submitted on Arbitrum since it first launched its mainnet with the built-in security feature in August 2021, according to Ed Felten, co-founder and chief scientist of the Arbitrum-building Offchain Labs.

Operating as an Ethereum layer-2, Arbitrum’s interactive, multi-round fraud proofs work by allowing a layer-1 verifier contract to decide whether the challenger’s fraud-proof submission is valid. If so, the fraudulent validator’s stake is slashed.

Fraud proofs are submitted by challenging validators when it considers another validator to have fraudulently or otherwise incorrectly assembled an incoming batch of transactions into the next block.

However, Arbitrum’s mainnet is yet to see a fraud-proof attempt, let alone a successful challenge, Felten told Cointelegraph at Korean Blockchain Week on Sept. 4.

Felten said few fraud proof attempts have been made because malicious-intended validators are at risk of losing their entire stake.

“If any one person notices it and disputes your claim then you will surely lose your stake, so there’s a stronger disincentive to try,” Felten added.

Felten said there’s currently a permission set of validators — roughly 12 — that participate in the fraud proof game. He also added that Arbitrum is rolling out a new iteration of the fraud proofs called “BOLD” protocol — (Bounded Liquidity Delay) which he says gives Arbitrum a faster guarantee for challenges.

Felten said Arbitrum’s fraud proof feature will soon be permissionless, allowing anyone to push towards ensuring the correctness of the chain when challenges are made.

Last updated 9/10/2023, 11:45:37 PM


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