9 Crypto Exchanges in Taiwan Join Forces to Navigate New Regulatory Landscape

Nine major crypto exchanges in Taiwan have announced plans to establish an industry association to navigate the upcoming regulatory guidelines set to be released by the Financial Supervisory Commission. This move comes in anticipation of new rules and guidelines on crypto trading and payments expected to be issued by the end of September.

Posted 10 months ago in Blockchain

Crypto Exchanges in Taiwan join forces to adapt to new regulatory framework

Nine major crypto firms, including MaiCoin, BitoGroup, and ACE, plan to form an industry association in Taiwan ahead of new regulatory guidelines expected to be released by the Financial Supervisory Commission.

In a proactive response to Taiwan's forthcoming regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies, nine major crypto firms, including MaiCoin, BitoGroup, and ACE, have announced plans to establish an industry association. The Financial Supervisory Commission (FSC) anticipates this move, expecting to release guidelines on crypto trading and payments by the end of September.

Taiwan Crypto Exchanges Form Working Group

The FSC has already mandated that Virtual Asset Services Providers (VASPs) must keep in line with the country's anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. However, myriad other concerns unique to the crypto industry still need to be addressed.

The planned guidelines aim to change this, introducing a comprehensive set of rules inspired by Hong Kong's VASP licensing framework. The proposed guidelines emphasize consumer protection, suggesting a requirement for certain hot and cold wallet ratios for customer deposits with crypto exchanges. This measure seeks to ensure the safety of customer funds.

Additionally, the guidelines propose mandatory insurance against user losses, further bolstering consumer confidence.

A Push for Legitimacy

The FSC's approach to crypto regulation aligns with global trends, demonstrating a commitment to transparency and consumer protection. Furthermore, the FSC has expressed interest in promoting self-regulation within the industry.

To this end, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has drafted an amendment to existing legislation. It has now introduced a specific category for digital asset services. The nine crypto firms forming the industry association have set up a working group to expedite the process. This group, led by Winston Hsiao, XREX’s cofounder, hopes to develop self-supervisory rules based on the FSC's guidelines.

The formation of this industry association and the impending release of the FSC's guidelines signify a new era for Taiwan's crypto sector.

Last updated 9/26/2023, 12:00:28 PM


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